Our bags are packed, our reservations are confirmed, our batteries are charged, and tomorrow we leave for Paris. I’ve looked forward to this trip for the last 4 years, and so the thought that we are actually going still makes my head spin and my heart flutter. Is it really possible that in less than 48 hours, I will be roaming the streets of the most beautiful city in the world? This city is home to some of my fondest memories – it is where I fell in love with art, it is where I acquired a taste for espresso, it is where huge seeds of confidence and independence were planted in my soul. I’ve been reading through some of the old journals I kept while I was in Paris 5 years ago, picking out names of my favorite cafes and art galleries, and tonight I came across this entry, written on July 4, 2004, my last day abroad:
“45 minutes before I leave for the airport. Am wandering around in a bit of daze, not wanting to come to terms with the fact that my year in Paris is about to become a memory. Am sipping a cafe creme, looking out over Place de la Bastille, trying to muster up some excitement about returning to the familiarity of home. I’ve had to say good-bye to people I love before, but never really to a place. Not sure how to do it. Can’t very well give Paris a big hug, wave, and say, “I’ll call you when I get home”. Can say, “see you later”, though. Alors, a bientot et merci. Tu vas me manquer…”
And so “later” has arrived! The best part about it? This time Shane comes with me. As much as I cherished my time in Paris, the fact that we were apart often kept me from fully embracing my experiences abroad. I can definitely be a bit of a loner, but I really do believe it’s so much better to share a place so beautiful with someone you love. So cheers to a much-anticipated, well-deserved, totally romantic get-away. Ciao.
jak says:
bon voyage! see you in 9 days!!!
March 27, 2009, 7:40 am