Oh, Lordy… Things continue to be busy, with work and art-making and wanting to spend time with my husband and friends, but tonight, I am taking time to chill. I had a deadline at work today that called for some late nights at the office, but the drawings are done, my inbox is cleared, and now, after an evening nap and a glass of wine, order has been restored to my life. It was nice to share a meal with Shane, to throw in an old episode of Sex and the City, and to nibble on the delicate little macaroons that I picked up at the French bakery in the Market. Yes, as I sit here and type, with Joe Purdy piping through the speakers, my most recent artwork scattered about on the walls and shelves, and a cozy bed beckoning me from the next room, I have to say, life is good. Sometimes running on empty is ok, as long as I have nights like these to refuel.