Can I pack an entire season’s worth of photos into a single blog post?  Why, yes I can.  Enjoy this smorgasbord of photos from March, April, May, and June…  The highlights.

Springtime brought sports season – our weekends were largely planned around softball and soccer games, and I was there for it.  Watching Juliette out on the field is one of my most favorite pastimes, and she grew so much as an athlete and teammate this Spring.  Plus, she’s adorable in a visor.

Her on-base percentage was off the charts, tallying at .949 by the end of the season.

Number 1 fan…

Second Number 1 fan…

Ok, let’s be real.  Girlfriend has a whole fan club.

Isaac is awfully good about cheering from the sidelines, but I also spent plenty of games chasing him around the out-outfield, letting him play his own version of softball.

The Storm closed out their season with a doozy of a game that went into extra-extra innings and while they didn’t walk away with a win, they kept their heads high.  Class acts, these girls.

And then there was soccer.  Let’s gooooooo Chile Peppers!  Juliette has leaned into soccer as her favorite sport and laid it all on the pitch week after week.

Side note:  thanks to Grandpa for taking Isaac on numerous ‘bear hunts’ during Juliette’s games so that I could really watch her play.  Much appreciated!

Juliette’s beloved PE teacher came out to watch a game and we welcomed her to the fan club with open arms.

The season ended in early June and there was much shedding of tears as Coach Dan gave his final post-game speech.  Juliette decided in May to try out for a higher-level league AND MADE IT and so this chapter with these particular girls is coming to a close.

Seriously, though – the tears!  This team is something special.

We’re not sure yet what Isaac’s future holds in terms of athletics, but…pickleball?  He’s got the stance down!

Other Spring highlights include a ladies weekend getaway to Vashon Island:

We hiked, then we ate and drank and did facials and laughed till our stomachs hurt.

Morning coffee was essential.

Then Easter!  It came early this year.  Candy-filled eggs, church, family, food, a lot of gratitude.  A very very good day.

The much-loved Hickory family spent a weekend with us in April and these freckled beauties were the best of buds during their time here.


That brings us to May – look at me go!  Once again, Shane made Mother’s Day magic happen with a sunny backyard French toast brunch, followed by a bike ride and beach time with the kiddos.

These stinkin’ kids, man.  I’m so lucky.

Side note / fast forward…I kind of dropped the Father’s Day ball in June as we had all sorts of other things happening that weekend, but Shane did score an awesome shirt from Isaac!

Shane and I celebrated our 18th Anniversary in May with a bottle of Veuve and an ice cream date with the kiddos down at Alki.  Elegant.  Simple.  Perfect.

We’ve spent a lot of time with family over the past few months.  My parents have rented an apartment nearby and spend about a third of their time in the neighborhood.  The kids are big fans of their roof deck.

And the lobby coffee / hot chocolate machine.

It’s been a treat to fold my mom and dad into our day-to-day, partly because we can use all the help we can get, but also because it’s a joy to watch them watch the kids grow.  They were around for Isaac’s first pee in the potty and several of Juliette’s softball games.

My brother’s family came to visit over Memorial Day weekend and the cousins got along splendidly.  Lots of basketball at our neighbor’s hoop.  Lots of couch cuddles.

And Grandma Schnell came to visit!  Bearing gifts, no less.  She gave Juliette one of Denny’s fishing poles and Juliette was pumped to open it up.  So special.

Get it, Grandma!

Bikes and baking and brunch – we loved having her here.


June brought all kinds of festivities, like Juliette’s second piano recital, in which she played my favorite song from Little Women

The school performance of Imagine a Dragon, in which Juliette played a bold princess.

And the last day of school!  It made me so happy that even in fourth grade, she still revels in a classroom pajama party.  Complete with stuffies.

Next stop, fifth grade!  Queen of the school.

Lots of park time in the Spring.  Dropping this photo here just because I miss Isaac’s uneven bowl cut.  He looks so little!

Lots of golden hours down at Lincoln Park…

And beach time, Seattle style.

Lowman is such a happy place for us.  I love where we live.

A sunny Sunday at Camp Long…

The kids and I found ourselves with a wide-open day on Juneteenth and headed out to Kelsey Creek Farm in Bellevue to see the animals and run around in the grass.

Post-farm fro-yo and with a side of spray park.

And through it all we eased into backyard weather.  Magnolia blooms and rhodies and sprinklers, oh my.

And today marks the beginning August?!  MORE POPSICLES!