The main event! We drove down to Portland a couple of days before Christmas to settle in with the fam and enjoy some downtime. We unloaded our car and then got right down to business – cards and the hand slap game and lots of cousin love.

Isaac was always up early, eager to explore the house and grab some Bina snuggles.

I know, Bina – that’s how I feel, too, when Isaac wants to play before I’ve had my coffee.

We made our usual pilgrimage to Powells for books and PDX vibes.

I tell you, row upon row of beautifully-illustrated books and Isaac beelines for the carousel of Paw Patrol paperbacks.

And an intro to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

We finished our book shopping and then went back to the house to settle into the couch and watch Elf.


Isaac and I popped over to the playground late afternoon to get some residual wiggles out.

When the lawn decorations match your sweater…

I liked being the last one to bed while we were there, relishing the quiet and the fire and the glow of the Christmas tree.

Christmas Eve! Isaac was up very very early and was very very loud, so I tossed him in the car, not sure exactly where we headed. We ended up finding a cozy table by the window at Grand Central Bakery on Hawthorne. Buddy got a cinnamon roll, I got a latte, and everyone back at the house got to grab some extra Z’s. We all won.

A woman walked by and said, “A cinnamon roll in your pajamas on Christmas Eve? Life doesn’t get any better than that!” Right, Bud?

We got back to the house, threw some real clothes on Isaac, and then headed right back out with Shane and Juliette to catch the 11am showing of Moana 2. Isaac’s first movie!

Loved it.

The afternoon was lazy and lovely.

(Can you guess who won Uno?)

Morning rain brought an afternoon rainbow.

We gathered in the living room after dinner for our annual viewing of The Polar Express. On my list of top five holiday traditions, for sure.

We’re ready for you, Santa!

Isaac was up first on Christmas morning and I tried to stoke excitement with the missing cookies and the half-eaten carrot, but he really wasn’t grasping the concept. “Why did Santa bring me a carrot?”

But oh, the presents.

All the kids are up! Showtime!

The next hour was filled with the sounds of wrapping paper being ripped, delighted exclamations and effusive thank you’s.

The only thing on Juliette’s wish list was a four-pack of holiday mini Squish-mallows. I initially didn’t take her very seriously when she said she wanted them, but then I saw the look of disappointment on her face when I told her they were sold out on Amazon. I put a watch on them and they popped back up a week before Christmas – I’m so glad I snagged them. How many more years of stuffy love does she really have ahead of her?

And Isaac’s main ask was for a Paw Patrol Chase stuffy.

Nailed it.

My dad sat in his usual chair and got his usual gift of beer and chocolate. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Isaac had picked out this book from Powell’s a couple of days earlier and saw us buying it, but still couldn’t believe his eyes when he unwrapped it that morning. Three year olds are the best.

Gifts opened. Kids thrilled. Mission accomplished.

The rest of the morning was quiet and wonderful. The kids played with their gifts. I drank coffee and finished my book. All was merry and bright.

Dinner was our usual country ham, with a side of mac and cheese a la Morgan. Sugar cookies and apple crisp for dessert. Thanks to Mitch and Kathryn for continuing to be the most gracious of hosts. I know we all make for a very full house.

We headed home the day after Christmas, to tackle a couple of house projects and cozy in with the kids.

Isaac and Shane became fast fans of The Outdoor Boys, a YouTube channel filled with videos of a guy that camps in extreme weather. Random but wholesome viewing. Isaac’s plea all weekend was, “Watch snow camping, Daddy? Snow camping?”

I took the kids down to the Menashee House for one last feast of holiday lights. Shane is of the opinion that Christmas decorations should be taken down the day after Christmas – fresh start, don’t overplay the magic, yadda yadda. I say, keep the twinkle coming. Till New Years Day, at least, though really the full month of January is fair game.

I had something come up at work and needed to head into the office on December 30th. Isaac was at school and Juliette asked if she could spend the day with me downtown. I welcomed the company, as I was none too thrilled about having to give up a day with my girl. She marched up the stairs to my building like a boss.

We cut out early and spent the afternoon roaming downtown, lunching and shopping.

It felt like one of our annual getaways – way to rekindle my love of our city, Juliette!

She makes everything new and beautiful and fun.

Shane and Juliette headed to the slopes on New Years Eve for a ski day and so Isaac and I were left to rustle up our own mini-adventure.

“Bye, sister!” Those are heart hands he’s making…

While those two skied, Isaac and I hit up Costco and then ran circles around the Juanita Bay playground in Kirkland.

Like, literal circles. I think he went down this slide 25 times.

The dock here is huge and amazing and perfect for tossing rocks.

And hunting for bears.

Post-playground, we warmed up at Zoka Coffee.

And then a nap by the Christmas tree, as we knew its days were numbered. Sometimes I lament that I can’t downhill ski with Shane and Juliette, but…this might be better.

One of Isaac’s preschool buddies had a New Years Eve dance party that evening, complete with a disco ball, and we popped in for an hour to bust a move or two.

We returned home around dinnertime to get our own party started. Games and snacks and laughs with the Rusts and Jordan.

It was a mellow evening, complete with a 9 pm New Years toast, but that’s how we roll now. I’m not mad about it.

Cheers, Bud!

(Isaac got real into the toast thing.)

Happy 2025, friends.