Archive for the ‘shane’ Category

An Idaho Independence Day!  It’s become a family tradition.  And this year, with school running so late into June, our trip east was the perfect way to kick off summer break.

It’s a bit of a trek to Post Falls, but the kids did great in the car, thanks in part to the six-dollar rubber pig I picked up for Isaac at the Ritzville gas station.  Thanks also in part to Miss Rachel, the toddler whisperer/YouTube phenomenon, who we streamed on my phone from Ellensburg to Ritzville.  It takes a village.

It was so good to land at my mom and dad’s front door – we set the kids free in the backyard and I was promptly handed a glass of chilled Rose.  We made it!

Even after five hours in the backset together, these two still adored each other.  No small thing.

Once we had Happy-Houred and eaten our burgers, we set out to the playground to let Isaac get the last of his wiggles out.

It seemed that nearly every park had a splash pad, so we took to packing a beach towel with us every where we went.

Isaac conked out in his makeshift closet bedroom with little fuss that evening and just as I was ready to put on my own pajamas, Juliette asked if she could play outside a little longer.  I went out front with her and she did sprints across the park and back, asking me to time her on my watch.  This girl’s energy knows no bounds.

There and back in less than a minute!

But she had to know…could she do it in 50 seconds?!  (She could.)

We walked around the block and Juliette practiced her cartwheels at the edge of a field and I felt so damn grateful to have all the time in the time in the world to watch the sun go down with my best girl.

Monday!  Isaac was up bright and early, but so was my mom, so we enjoyed a 6am coffee and then got to work in the yard.

Juliette and I did some thrifting with my mom in town that morning and we returned to the house with a treasure trove of toys and clothes for Isaac.  I had booked us tickets for an afternoon cruise around Lake Coeur d’Alene, so we hit the water after lunch.

It was extra warm that day, but was a breeze on the water and the boat was plenty big enough for us to do some laps and find the shady side.  We had a comfy table inside that Isaac spent approximately zero minutes actually sitting at.

Plus, ice cold cocktails!  85 degrees felt juuuuuuust right.

Land ho!

We disembarked and promptly headed to Vantage Point for burgers and brews.

And once we’d boated and eaten, there was nothing left to do but backyard gymnastics.  These slow, silly moments were the highlight of my week.

Watermelon cheers before pajamas and bedtime.

W made it as far as pajamas, but…bedtime?!  This boy had somersaults to do.

Finally, though, finally, Isaac crashed and then Shane, Juliette and I popped across the street for a neighborhood viewing of Star Wars.  Someone passed around a tray of cookies decorated like flags and fireworks and if this isn’t quintessential summer, I don’t know what is!

(Fireworks start on the Third of July in Idaho…)

Tuesday the Fourth!  Isaac was up early early, so we took a mid-morning porch nap before heading to the playground for splash time and a fried chicken picnic lunch.

Isaac brings the party wherever he goes…

Buddy was a little timid around the fountains, but eventually he just couldn’t resist the lure.

Sister showed him the ropes.

And then backyard sprinkler shenanigans with Grandma!  My kids bring out such unabated joy in their grandparents.

We spent the evening at yet another playground (so many to choose from!), though this one scored extra points for a splash pad plus pickle balls courts.  Juliette feels like the special-est kid on the planet when Shane’s able to take the time to coach her on her dink game. 


Someday I hope I’ll get some tips from him as well, but right now, I’m content to be Isaac’s Golden Retriever and chase down the barrage of balls he tosses over the net while those two have their moment.  It’s a short season in the scheme of things, this toddler phase.

Back at the house, the neighborhood fireworks really started popping an hour before sundown.  Isaac heard a few, but was much too enamored with his popsicle to pay them much mind.

Once Isaac was de-stickied and jammied, we did a couple of small fireworks in the street before putting him to bed.  He was mildly impressed.

My dad, Juliette and I took a walk through the neighborhood as dusk fell – kids ran through the streets with sparklers and dads started hauling their arsenal of explosives out into their driveways.

Here we go!

It was boom after boom after boom, with fireworks blooming in every direction.

Sweet Juliette, though, was just as excited by her sparklers.

Whew!  What a show.  Next up: next-level splash-padding!

July is slipping through our fingers like sand (warm sand!), so best get the June photos logged before I’m in over my head with pics of my kiddos in swimsuits and sunglasses…

Shane, Juliette and I found ourselves with a toddler-free day on Juneteenth, as the three of us had no school or work, so we dropped baby bro at daycare and headed northeast toward Wallace Falls for a family hike.

It was overcast that day, but the cool felt good as we climbed toward the falls.

This hike pushed our limits at six miles round-trip, but it was dotted with intermediate lookouts that broke up the journey.  Plus, we felt extra light on our feet without Isaac in tow.

When Juliette’s feet started to drag, we made a game out of seeing how many Harry Potter characters we could name, from A to Z.  Answer is:  88!  We’re into HP World deep.

The money shot / turn-around point…

A few more minutes to contemplatively take in the view / catch our breath…

We made record time on the return trip, each of us motivated by the promise of Blizzards from the Dairy Queen we’d passed 10 minutes from the trailhead.  Whatever it takes!

Three feels nice sometimes.

We spent the following weekend out on the Olympic Peninsula with the Rusts for a pickle ball bonanza in Sequim.  Let tournament season begin!  Shane and Jason talked strategy on the ferry deck while a pod of Orcas played in the distance.

Our AirBnB was farmhouse-y and cozy and the scene of much backyard game-playing.

The Rusts brought their net for some pre-game warmups.  The inclusion of Isaac added a whole new level of complexity to the game.

Game day!  Good luck, Daddy!

I didn’t watch many of the matches, mostly because I was chasing Isaac around the nearby playground, but also because I found I don’t have the nerves for it.  It’s just a game, but oh, I wanted those wins!

Leveraging the beloved bottle to get brother to sit still and watch for a moment…

And a high five for a won match!

Isaac and I were both tiring of the same slide run on the playground by mid-afternoon, so I put the kids in the car and we drove out to a nearby dairy to visit some cows, pet a cat, and eat some ice cream.

Isaac isn’t quite ready for a solo cone, but not to worry – Juliette is an excellent sharer.

One last pat-pat goodbye…

Back at the courts, we found that our crew unfortunately ended the day medal-less, but not without a handful of wins.  Super proud of you, Shane, Nance, and Jason!

Back at the house, Shane clocked in for Isaac duty while Juliette and I did our own dinking in the driveway court.

Dinnertime tickles…

And then more backyard gaming once Isaac was in bed.  We played Spike Ball and lounged in the Adirondack chairs and Juliette brought out her jump rope to school Gryffin and Isaiah on how to do a double-under.

G and Z are teenagers and wanting more and more independence, but there are times when they’re still Juliette’s goofy big bros.  What a joy to all grow old(er) together.  We laughed a lot that night.

Early-morning front yard bird-watching with Buddy on Sunday…

Bacon and cinnamon rollss..

And then a short family hike out at the Dungeness Spit, as Shane didn’t have to leave for the courts till noon.

We only made it as far as the start of the actual Spit, as we’d left our stroller in the car and Isaac walks slooooow, but it felt good to get out together.

Driveway b-ball while the adults loaded the cars…

And then Shane and Jason took to the courts for mens doubles while I took to the beach with the kids.  The Spit was calling us back and this time we made it down to the sand.  The full stretch is five miles long, but we were happy just to cover a bit of it.

Juliette discovered that beached kelp bubbles make a very satisfying pop when stepped on, so the kids spent the better part of an hour racing up the beach, looking for kelp.

Keep up, Isaac!

Seriously though, this game was a thing.

Isaac was quite proud of himself with each and every one.


We hung out for awhile at a pile of driftwood, the kids picked out a couple of perfectly-sized walking sticks for the trek back, and then we zoomed toward the car to watch Shane’s and Jason’s final matches.

Top day.

And pro tip – use the stroller to get as far as the beach!

Back at the courts, Isaac got some skating lessons…

And we found that Shane and Jason were dominating the 4.0 mens doubles scene!

Last year they played this same tournament at only 3.0, so this was a significant jump for them.  They held their own, though, and after a couple of nail-biters walked away with bronze metals!

The last week of June was packed with end-of-the-year festivities at Juliette’s school.  There was her jump rope club performance, where she showed off her months of hard work with a series of double-under/skip-hop/fancy-pants moves.  I didn’t even know such things were possible!

And there was the annual Move-A-Thon, where kids run as many laps as they can around the school parking lot in the space of 20 minutes.  I volunteered as a lap counter and was very proud of Juliette’s get-up-and-go, despite the heat.

Girlfriend was flushed!

There was an outdoor movie night for third graders at the school playground, but when kids realized it was still too light out to see the movie screen, most of them opted for the playground.  Juliette and this sweet, freckled red-head often call themselves sisters.

And the last day of third grade!  I paused at the gate when I dropped Juliette off that morning and reveled in the sight of her stopping to chat with her favorite teachers aide while her friends ran to greet her with a hug.  These school with these kids has been good to our girl.


Isaac toasted to his sister with a backyard popsicle and then we got down to the serious business of summering.

We’re comin’ for you, Idaho!

Sports schedules have slowed a bit in the last couple of weeks and we have opted for long evenings and weekends in our backyard, eating watermelon and playing in the sprinklers.

Isaac had his first ice cream bar last month and I fear we’ve created something of a monster.

But a cute monster…

Watering my plants takes twice as long when Isaac is around, but is four times as fun.

Sometimes it’s just too damn hard to choose which pic is my favorite, so…here they all are.

(Juliette is also a sucker for a sprinkler…)

We’ve dusted off the Rad Wagon and are back to Sunday bike rides to Hiawatha and Good Society.

Shane and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary last month with a trip out to Vashon Island to linger over the places we breezed past after Juliette’s softball game the weekend prior.

Isaac was pretty enamored with the whole ferry thing.  This pic sums it up – Isaac so focused on the boat’s wake that Shane and Juliette could actually have a deep conversation, probably about the NBA finals.

We rolled off the ferry with a hankering for coffee and pastries, so we popped into the town bakery before finding a shady bench on the lawn near the Saturday Farmer’s Market.

We sat on the grass and listened to a couple of old guys play country songs about the women they loved and I reveled in the feeling of not having anywhere else we needed to be.

Shane shared a formative piece of his childhood with Juliette at the nearby arcade/ice cream shop…

And we played a very long game of pinball at this glitchy machine that kept giving us ball after ball after ball.

Once we had dilly-dallied to our heart’s content in town, we made the short drive out to Dragon’s Head Cider to spread out our picnic blanket, kick the soccer ball around, and raise our glasses to another year of bliss.

Happy Anniversary, Shane!

Mama’s still got it!


We eventually had to rouse Isaac from his nap and peel ourselves off our Adirondack chairs to catch our ferry home.  Juliette read while Isaac ran laps – the beauty of massive transit!

Wrapping up May with some cozy vibes because even when it’s sunny outside, snuggles rule supreme.

Get her, Buddy!

Seriously, though, this boy is aggressively affectionate.  Juliette is so good at rolling with it.

Ahhhh, I love being on cusp of summer – good times ahead!  Living room forts do for now, but I see a backyard campout in our future.

May Days!  Our weekends continue to be primarily dominated by Juliette’s sporting events, but I remarked to a friend the other day that while the soccer-softball mash-up feels hectic at times, I know this season is short, literally (it’s just eight weeks long!), but also more broadly as we look at how quickly she’s growing and how soon she and her peers will be channeled into next-level competition.  So I’m here for it, while it’s still low-key fun and games.  SWING, batter, batter!

Her pitching progress is kind of unreal – in March she could hardly get the ball over the plate.  A couple of weeks ago, she struck a girl out, fielded a grounder for an out at first, and caught a line drive, all back-to-back.  There’s an old Minnesota Twins announcer that Shane tells me would have called that a “Snapper Mow ‘Em Down Inning”!

Isaac generally isn’t the most attentive spectator, but he knows to head to the fence when his sister steps up to the plate.

We traded kid-cheers with the Rusts one Saturday when Juliette had a softball game next door to G’s track meet.

Once sister’s done batting, it’s off to the next-door playground.

We ventured outside the West Seattle circuit for a handful of games and made the trip to Vashon Island to take on their local team.  Waiting in line for the ferry takes a little more energy these days…

(Juliette took a ball to the eye a couple of days prior while warming up with a teammate and ended up with a little shiner…the price she pays for the sheer love of the game!)

It was awfully hot and dusty that day, but Juliette’s focus was unflappable!

Ice-cold milk to get us through the final inning…

We hightailed it home after the game, all feeling a little spent after two and a half hours in the heat.  We’ll be back, Vashon!

(We’ll be back real soon.)

Saturdays are for softball, and Sundays are for soccer.  Strut that belly, Boy!

Sweet Isaac…constantly chasing after his sister and her teammates, not at all understanding why he’s not invited to the party.  Someday, Buddy, you will rule the field!

Her rosy cheeks say it all…this girl runs hard.

Our little athlete unwinds after her games by…watching sports!  Basketball, specifically – Juliette loves the NBA playoffs and is already teaching her brother everything she knows.

The Warriors lost all too soon, but Juliette’s Steph Curry jersey should still fit her next year…

We logged a lot of hours in the backyard last month, eating and playing and gardening.

Isaac likes to help me weed, but has proven he still can’t be trusted with a handful of dirt.

Nothing a little water can’t wash off!

Backyard breakfast…

And springtime strolls.

Mother’s Day 2023 was mellow and full of my favorite things.  Kid-brewed coffee…

Snuggles with my littles…

And a quiet French toast brunch a la Shane while Isaac napped.

Some backyard chillin’…

And an afternoon soccer game, where Juliette scored a goal, “just for me”.

I was gifted a next-level coffee grinder…

And then we wrapped up the day with beachfront boba.

I love May.

Spring has sprung!  Feels like summer is springing this past week, actually – it’s 80 degrees and the cherry blossoms have long since fallen from the trees.  I have swept up the last of our magnolia petals and I bought a watermelon on Sunday!

But a backtrack to April, when Juliette was still wearing her fleece.

And Isaac sported his navy blue sweatsuit at Roxhill.

We discovered a new playground in the neighborhood recently and Juliette has been refining her hopscotch skills.

Isaac has some work to do.

I spent a Saturday morning out in Redmond with the kids while Shane played at a nearby pickleball tournament.  We roamed around Farrel-McWhirter Park and Isaac befriended a pig, a goat, and a cow.

Juliette loves to play hide and seek with her brother; the moment she darts out of sight, he throws his arms open and asks over and over, “Where go?!  Where go?!”

Found her.

Donuts, then another playground, because I love these kids that much.  And because Isaac is driving me peak crazy when cooped up indoors.

Our mornings start early, but Juliette has learned how to brew my coffee, bless her heart.

And sometimes we’ll pile back in bed at 8am on a Saturday morning for snuggles and shenanigans.

We’ve been mostly healthy these past few weeks, knock on wood, but there were a handful of days in April when Isaac stayed home with a fever.  We worked around it, literally, but oh, it was rough.

We were in Santa Monica on Easter Sunday, so we did our egg hunt and our reading of Luke the weekend after.  Juliette still loves a good game of “you’re getting warmer”…

I filled Isaac’s eggs with his own toy cars and bouncy balls, but he was still pretty enchanted by it all.

We spent much of the afternoon putting the eggs back together so that he could crack them back open and leave the remnants on the floor.

Is that all there is?  WHERE GO?!

After several days of travel and of not feeling our best, that particular Sunday at home felt extra sweet.

DJ Raphi dance party to burn off those jelly beans!

And then a brief moment of mellow.

Backyard weather has been such a boon.  Tee ball and bubbles and basketball, oh my!

Lots of neighborhood strolls to admire the corner tulip patch and our favorite cherry blossom lane…

And perhaps most notably, spring sports have begun!  Our weekends (and the the occasional weeknight) are consumed with Juliette’s soccer and softball games.  I’m not mad about it – I love watching this girl hone her talent and her team spirit.

Isaac is VP of her fan club.

Shane is assistant coach on both teams, which means I’m on Isaac watch, but occasionally Buddy hangs with Dad and I get a moment to focus on the field.

We have our short list of favorite softball venues – Lincoln Park is top notch because of the nearby woods to wander in.

This is the first year that Juliette has played kid-pitch softball and she’s spent hours doing target practice in the backyard.  A parent remarked at a game last week on Juliette’s intense focus when she pitches.  It’s like she’s willing the ball over the plate with equal parts arms and mind.

Get it, girl!

Juliette has the sweetest buddies that love to hang with Isaac between innings.

Ball boy is really falling down on the job…

Game over, but one last loop around the bases for Buddy, of course.

Seriously, though, SO MANY softball games.  I don’t know that we quite anticipated what we were signing up for.

Isaac goes to the evening games in his PJs and we usually split after the third inning.  It’s a lot, schlepping a toddler to the ball field a couple of times a week, but he’s a good sport about it.

And soccer!  I like watching Juliette play softball, but I love watching her play soccer.  Her team has come such a long way in the couple of years they’ve been together and she is fierce out on that field.

Go green!

(Plus Isaac.)

Now, let’s tuck that beanie away for awhile, huh?

We were en route home from our Maui vacation when I started scheming another beach getaway for Spring Break – the kids were so happy in Hawaii (who wouldn’t be?!) and Juliette had a week off in April that we hadn’t booked anything for.  Flights to LA were cheap and it seemed an easy way to get a couple of days worth of sun and sand.  To Cali!

The minute I said “easy”, I think I jinxed our plans – no such thing with a toddler in tow.  The low-grade fever that Isaac had been muddling through all week spiked the evening before our flight and so in the wee hours of the morning I pushed Isaac’s and my departure back a day in hopes he would make a turnaround within the next 24 hours.  Shane and Juliette left town without us and lived their best baby-free lives on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  Though the circumstances weren’t ideal, I’m glad they got this time together.  Hollywood or bust.

Isaac’s fever broke on Friday morning, about four hours after I pushed our flight, so we had a chill day at home together and were travel-ready by Saturday morning.  We missed our other halves!

We eased into LA life on Saturday afternoon with a trip to In-N-Out and a couple of hours at our AirBnB’s pool.

SUN!  My kids look so good in the sun.

Isaac was not so much a fan of the relatively cool-watered pool (spoiled Maui boy…), but he was content to spend a couple of minutes in the oversized hot tub.

I was completely tuckered on Saturday evening, exhausted and maybe a bit under the weather myself, so I gulped down a green smoothie from the corner cafe and turned in early.  VACATION.  Hardly the fancy-free fun it used to be, but still, I was glad to be under one roof with my people, away from what was feeling like a never-ending winter in Seattle.

Sunday was a new day, with a morning made bright by coffee and pastries at Gjusta.  We chowed down on croissants and scones in their sweet little courtyard and put together the day’s itinerary.

Isaac really liked his blackberry scone.

Next stop was Tongva Park, which was a favorite of Juliette’s on her first trip to Santa Monica several years ago.  It’s funny – this playground looked so much bigger when she was so much smaller!  And now she looks so grown-up, wearing her dad’s puffy vest and helping her brother down the slide.  Time marches on.

We strolled over to the pier from the playground and took a peek at the beach before booking it back to our AirBnB so that we could get Isaac down for a solid nap rather than just letting him doze on the go.

We…didn’t make it.  Rascal fell asleep on the way back and then woke up the moment we stepped inside, fresh as a daisy and rearing to go again.  I, however, was ready for a rest, so I popped on Bluey and we all lazed around for a bit before our condo started feeling much too small to contain Isaac’s energy.

To the beach!  Shane hit the pickleball courts while I walked with the kids to nearby Venice Beach.  Though Isaac seemed eager to play, his feet became rooted to the sand the minute I set him down.  Run free, Buddy!  RUN!

Or…let your sister do the running for you.

Shane picked us up and we headed to True Food Kitchen for lunch and colorful drinks.

Though it was gray and a bit chilly that day, Juliette begged to head back to the pool, so we spent some time there after lunch watching our little fish swim free.

We drove over to Abbot Kinney, my favorite Venice drag, for dinner and found ourselves at the courtyard of De Buena Planta sipping margaritas and eating chips with guac.  This girl’s got next-level style, huh?  Such a cool kid.

Her brother, meanwhile, lacks a little class.  Can’t take this boy anywhere.

Chips for dinner, ice cream for dessert.  When in LA…

We were back at Abbot Kinney on Monday morning in search of brunch.  The Butcher’s Daughter was light-filled and lovely and our server was very friendly when Isaac dumped water all over our table.

We took a stroll through the Venice canals after brunch – I’d never explored this area before and though the waters were a bit mucky, the neighborhood held its own sort of charm.

Isaac befriended some ducks and we had a heck of a time getting him to say goodbye to them.

But then we stumbled upon a sweet little playground that served as a perfect distraction from his feathered friends.

Vacation with a toddler is exhausting, but the naps are next-level.

We spent Monday afternoon at El Matador State Beach in Malibu, picnicking and playing.  This is one of my most favorite SoCal spots.

Someone got over their aversion to sand…

Again, a bit gray, a bit chillier than hoped, but still so beautiful.  Juliette and I took a little stroll while eating the matcha shortbread I had picked up from Whole Foods and I felt so happy to be oceanside with my girl.

We got back from our walk and Juliette started on a sand castle that Isaac kept threatening to demolish, so I walked him down the beach and we sat together at the water’s edge.  We spent awhile tossing stones and I was thrilled to learn that Buddy inherited his dad’s and sister’s love of rock-skipping.

We rolled up to our condo around 5:00, planning to rest a bit before getting dinner.  Shane parked the car and I got the kids out and suddenly Shane was very nervously patting his pockets and then rooting around under the front seat and then sharing the unfortunate news that our door key was missing – it must have fallen out of his pocket at the beach.  He got a hold of our host, who was 2 hours away, so we quickly adapted our plans and Shane dropped me off in Santa Monica with the kids while he drove to meet our host at a halfway point.  To the pier!

Juliette, it seems, is getting a bit old for the merry-go-round, but she hopped on a horse for her brother’s sake.

Next stop was the ferris wheel, which Juliette and I loved, but Isaac was undecided about.

He couldn’t believe we were asking him to sit still for a 10 whole minutes.

We walked up to the 3rd Street Promenade to kill a little more time and grab some food.  I took Juliette into her first Urban Outfitters and we bought a bottle of electric blue nail polish (as if she wasn’t already hip enough!).  Shane picked us up, key in hand, just as Juliette and I were finishing our evening tea and hot chocolate and we made it back to the condo in time for Isaac to get to bed at a reasonable hour.  Look at us, going with the flow!

Tuesday we packed up our things and said goodbye to our little home at Marina del Rey.

Pastries and coffee at Tartine…

And then Juliette and I spent an hour romping around Manhattan Beach while Isaac dozed in the car.  It was chilly that morning as well, so we steered clear of the water, but we hunted for shells and played tic-tac-toe and drew pictures in the sand.

Juliette won our long-jump contest.

Isaac’s awake!  Kind of.

We dusted the sand off our feet, grabbed a quick bite, and were soon airport-bound.  This trip didn’t go entirely as planned, what with the fever and the gray skies and the lost key, but then again, not much does go as planned these days!  We proved ourselves adaptable, if nothing else.  Sweatshirts can be beach-wear, too.

Though I’m still reaching for my beanie and puffy coat most mornings, the cherry blossoms on the trees tell me that winter is waning!  I’m ready – we’ve had our fill of snow and rain and pre-dinner sunsets, but now I’m ready to see our backyard bloom, to enjoy longer days as we settle into Spring.  One final winter photo-log…

Cold, schmold!  Isaac is happiest when he’s got room to run, so we did lots of bundling up and roaming free.  Saturday morning jogs with Dad…

Afternoon trips to the corner patch of grass to kick the soccer ball around…

And some family pickleball when the courts were dry.

We spent a lot of time at Ercolini Park, whiling away the hours till dinner and bedtime.

The playground at Juliette’s school also saw some weekend action.  Most of the equipment there is too big for Isaac, but Juliette makes a very good recess monitor.

On the mornings I couldn’t muster the energy for a full playground romp, we took a quick spin around the block to get the wiggles out.

Shane had a standing sans-family pickleball commitment on Sunday afternoons in January and February and the kids and I fell into a routine of walking to Starbucks for steamer cheers, then heading down the hill to Ercolini.

Round 2!

We still find a full sit-down restaurant dinner a little challenging with Sir Isaac, but he’s getting awfully good at late afternoon Happy Hour.

Though Buddy (and Sister) prefer to be out and about, there were still plenty of cozy days at home.

Other miscellaneous highlights include the afternoon Juliette, Nance and I spent watching the UW women’s gymnastics team compete.

Juliette’s school art walk 2023, where she proudly hung her self portrait…

And a quiet Valentines Day at home with my girl while her dad travelled for work.  There were new earrings and ice cream sundaes and some serious chick-flicking.

A sleepover with the girls (and baby bro)…

And a lot of jumping rope.  Like A LOT of jumping rope – this has become Juliette’s favorite pastime with her buddies and I love watching them double-dutch or work on their latest routine on the back patio.

There was a random end-of-February snow day when we used nearly all the snow in our yard to make a humble little snow man.

And softball season!  It’s begun!  Juliette has leveled up and is in a league this year where the kids pitch (rather than the coaches), so she’s been working extra-hard on her wind-up.

Spring is most definitely in the air.

Ooof.  March thus far has been a month of too much work, too little time with the kids, and no time for myself, but I daresay I’m over the hump and able to carve out a couple of hours to sit in a coffee shop and reminisce about our final days in Maui.  MAUI.  Already feels like a lifetime ago that we were there.

Juliette and I had booked a snorkeling trip with the Chens early-early on Wednesday, so we walked to their hotel in the dark and perched at our favorite photo op while I sipped my coffee.

The sunrise boat ride out to Molokini Crater was actually one of my favorite parts of the whole expedition.  So serene and pastel – I love Maui in the morning.

Juliette was super-excited until the moment we anchored and people started flipping into the water.  You mean, I have to get in?  All the way?

But after a little coaxing, several snorkel adjustments, and one more in-water pep talk, she went for it and we both ducked our heads underwater.  And front and center, as if they were waiting for us, were so many fish.

Thumbs-up for pushing through the nerves, Kiddo.

Meanwhile, Shane and Isaac lived their own best lives.

We all hopped back into the boat after an hour of snorkeling and started to zip toward shore when our guide quickly brought us to a halt so we would all watch the mama and baby whales playing in the water remarkably close to us.

Stunning creatures.  Top moment.

We made it back to the boys just as Isaac was wrapping up his morning nap.  Time to swim some more, I guess!

Isaac added the word whoa to his vocabulary while on this trip and would say Whoa!  Whooooooooooooa! as we spun him in the water.

You look good, Buddy.

Our family pool time was really one long, sweet continuous top moment.  What a treat this was.

And speaking of treats, since it was our last full day in Maui, I splurged on an overpriced poolside pina colada.  Worth it.

We took a short sun-break back at the room after lunch, but Juliette was begging to go swim with N after 30 minutes, so back out we went!  Maybe it’s because our trip was winding down and I was so intent on soaking in every last detail, but goodness, the sky looked extra-blue and the grass looked extra-green that afternoon.

Juliette and Isaac played hide and seek and tag and I sat in the shade.  For two minutes.

And for record, “playing tag” is really us chasing down Isaac and trying to get him into his stroller.

Finally, though, Isaac was strapped in and Juliette was dropped off with her best bud.  Buddy and I walked over to the market for iced coffee and a box of souvenir cookies.  We came back an hour later to these two living large.

I mean, it’s hard not to be giddy when you’re in an ocean-front cabana.

We walked back our place to rest and freshen up a bit before meeting up with the Chens for a final round of Mai Tais.

We don’t do a lot of kicking back on vacation in this current season of life (love you, Isaac!), but this was as good as it got!

And one last sunset…

I love our family time, but vacationing with friends is next-level.  So thankful for these people.


Baby footprints on the beach!  Freeze-framing that one, too.

These five spent several minutes standing at the edge of the waves, wanting to see how far into the sand their feet would sink.  Isaac played that game for about four seconds and then opted for his own game of seeing just how many baby footprints he could leave in the sand.

One more game of chase-the-waves…

A round of high-fives for a top-notch day…

And goodnight, sun.

Shane tucked in Isaac while Juliette traded in our swimsuits for dresses and grabbed a shirley temple and a matcha mojito at the hotel bar.  There was a guitarist playing cover songs across the room and when he started crooning Harry Styles’ Watermelon Sugar, Juliette and I bopped along.

My grown-up girl…she makes a good date.

We talked about school and friends and Isaac and sports while we ate our matcha creme brulee.

Thursday!  Just a few precious hours left…

One last acai bowl, one last round of beach play…

(You can see from Isaac’s onesie that he very much enjoyed the acai as well…)

We got our mileage out of these $5 sand toys!

Keeping Isaac from destroying Juliette’s masterpiece wasn’t easy.


Pure mischief, this kid.

A final dip…

A final rollick with friends…

And a final group pic.  See you in Seattle, Chens!

Isaac really got the hang of the beachfront showers.  Life skills!

A quick pause at the lucky mermaid, where I made a quiet wish that I’ll see her again next year…

Mahalo, Maui.  Our trip didn’t start quite as planned, but gosh, those last few days were a dream.

Shane awoke on Monday feeling right as rain, so he made plans to play some island pickle ball while I took Isaac for a sunrise walk.  A pre-sunrise walk, actually.  Buddy was up at 5 am and jiggling the door handle begging to go outside by 5:30…  The hotel coffee shop opened at 6am and I was first in line!

Dark, schmark.  This boy was ready to roll.

A new day dawns in Maui!  Such promise…

Isaac loved this wide-open lawn.  I thought I’d sit down with my back against that tree and finish my latte while he ran wild, but then he tried to cut in on a couple of guys playing football, then he tried to climb the rocks down to the ocean, then he started chasing after a stray cat, and then I gave in and the two of us played a too-early game of tag.

We headed back to the room around 7:30 to find sister still snoozing.  Rise and shine, girl!

We walked up to the market for acai bowls and a sausage scramble.

Morning nap for the early riser…

And then pool time!

So much pool time.  The four of us felt so good to feel so good.

Isaac dug his first water slide.  Next year he might be zipping down this thing on his own!

Juliette’s freckles were poppin’ by this point, which made me so happy!  (They’ve already faded by now…)

We did the slide circuit several times over, lunched at our lounge chairs, and then got back in.  I had a fleeting thought that maybe we should go exploring, go see something new, but then again, if it ain’t broke…

At this point I think Isaac officially pooped out.  WE DID IT!  We exhausted the energizer bunny!  Afternoon nap was goooooood.

There was some late afternoon beach play…

And then dinner at the Chens’ hotel, where Isaac refused to sit still at the table for even a minute (bunny was BACK!), so Shane and I took turns playing with him out front while the other parent ate.

Evening zoomies on our favorite lawn…

And then a set of pushups to round out the day?  We walked back to our room and Isaac snoozed deeply while Shane, Juliette and I watched Rookie of the Year, which was just how I remembered it from 30 years ago, for better and for worse.

Tuesday morning brought more coffee and scones in the dark.

I will say, I do very much enjoy watching the sky turn from blue-gray to lavender to pink.

Isaac stopped to take a call on the grass…

And then Juliette joined us as Shane was heading out for pickle ball day 2.  This girl does not awake with quite the same joie de vivre as her brother, but she comes around…

His pants were soaked and came off within a minute of us landing on the beach.

And then the onesie…  I tried to teach this kid a healthy respect for the ocean, but when the water is that warm and the waves are that gentle, it’s a hard lesson to learn.

Just one more quick dip, Mom!

Ok, now she’s awake!  And ready for a game of tag!

We dried off back at the room and then settled in for a little doze.

Isaac has the best surfer hair post-nap!

We beached a bit before lunch.

And pooled a bit before lunch…

And then actually got in the car for the first time in several days, to grab fish tacos and sandwiches at the food trucks at South Maui Gardens.

We laid low the rest of the afternoon, having hit our sun limit by 1pm.  But when the cloud cover rolled in, back to the pool!  I walked Juliette over to the Chens’ pool so she could swim with N, then circled back to our pool to hang with Shane and Isaac.  I wish I could freeze-frame the sight of the two of them swirling and laughing together, caught up in their own world…  I mean, you know I tried to freeze-frame it, but pictures hardly capture how sweet it was.

Isaac’s afternoon nap had done him good.

Back to the beach!

I waded into the water with Isaac and let the waves lap at his legs.  Juliette said she was too tired to play anymore, but her fatigue was short-lived.

Seriously, these are the gentlest waves ever, but the look on her face!  Such drama!  I love her.

It was so cloudy that night that it was hard to tell when the sun actually set, but I’m fairly certain it was below the horizon by the time we headed in.

Ok, I’ll stop now.

…after ice cream.  Another two glorious days in the books.

When planning a vacation with two children, one of whom is a strong-willed, rambunctious toddler, there are a number of emotional stages a parent goes through in lead-up to the trip.  Case in point:

Stage 1 (6 months prior to trip):  Unbridled excitement.  Trip is booked!  Maui in February!  Let’s gooooo!

Stage 2 (1-2 months prior to trip):  Mild anxiety.  Gosh, I hope we don’t get sick and have to cancel our trip.

Stage 3 (one week before trip):  Cautious optimism.  There’s so much to do before we leave.  But Juliette is positively bouncing off the walls with glee and we all feel good and I can’t wait to see her zip down that waterslide!  

Stage 4 (2 days before trip):  Utter forlornness / temptation to bail.  I “got an early start on packing” but really just have a pile of clothes and diapers that can’t possibly fit into our three suitcases.  The house is a mess.  And, wait for it…baby boy just got sent home from daycare because he threw up after naptime.

Stage 5 (night before trip):  We have come full-circle back to excitement!  Baby’s bug seemed to just be a one-day thing and the rest of the family is unscathed.  Bags are packed.  House is clean, with much help from the determined-to-swim nine year old.  Out-of-office assistant has been turned on.  Alarm is set.  We’re really doing this!

WE WERE DOING THIS.  We arrived at the airport early Friday morning and we were pumped.  Isaac was in good spirits, I had packed a couple of special toys and snacks to keep him entertained on the six-hour flight, and Juliette was adorably over the moon.  Seriously, let’s goooooooooo.  We could almost taste the shave ice…

We were stuck on the runway for about an hour due to a minor maintenance issue, but we rolled with it.  And then, just as the plane was cleared for take-off, Juliette looked at me, the color immediately draining from her face, and said the three words no parent wants to hear on an airplane:  my stomach hurts.  I encouraged her to take a few deep breaths and close her eyes and she fell asleep almost immediately, her dozy brother following suit and collapsing against my chest before we’d even left the ground.

She opened her eyes 20 minutes later and smiled weakly, saying she felt better, and I thanked my lucky stars, but the relief was short-lived and suddenly we were reaching for the barf bag with five and a half hours left on our flight time.  Ugh, that poor girl.  She used up all the sick bags in our row within an hour and I had to ask the flight attendant for another, at which point she handed me a ginormous garbage sack.  I thought that was a bit much, but Juliette spent most of the flight with her head in that bag, heaving at 15-minute intervals, whimpering in between that she just wanted to turn around and go home.  It was brutal.

Isaac, thankfully, was content for most of the flight, playing with the window stickers and suction spinners I’d ordered from Amazon earlier in the week.  Shane and I took turns with the kids, but he did the majority of the bag-holding and I in turn bear-hugged Isaac through his 30-minute crying fit as we neared the end of our flight.  We’re a good team.

I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to step off a plane, though Juliette was still feeling awful and clutched her garbage bag all the way to baggage claim.  I sent Shane ahead to pick up our rental, not wanting to make Juliette walk any farther, and then stationed her behind a column where could discreetly wretch while I chased Isaac around between yanking our suitcases off the conveyer belt.  That whole fiasco was in my top five toughest mom moments, no doubt.

But Shane arrived curbside with the car, hero that he is, we loaded our circus into it, pit-stopped at Target for electrolyte water and wine, and checked into our room at the Grand Wailea without any of our usual “Hooray, we’re here!” photos because all we cared about was tucking our sick child into a clean bed.  Juliette melted into the sheets, relief flooding her face.  The worst was behind us.

I walked up to the market with Isaac to pick up some dinner for Shane and me and we ate on our patio, very tentatively easing into vacation mode.  I took Isaac for a walk to burn off the last of his pre-bedtime steam and introduced him to the magnificent Pacific.  

He was undecided about the squishy, uneven ground.

But give it time, Buddy.  You’ll love it here!

We came back to find a slowly-recovering sister.  She was still up every hour or so, choking up her few sips of Gatorade, but she managed small bouts of rest in between and by 9pm she was sleeping soundly.  Praise the Lord!  

Then I threw up at midnight.  DAMMIT!

My stomach woes were short-lived, but I was a little achy and low-energy on Saturday and spent much of the day napping in the room.  The kids had a good day, though, and I was so happy to see Juliette on the mend and enjoying pizza by the pool.  If anyone had earned the right to feel good that day, it was her.

The pool threw Isaac for another bit of a loop, but like the ocean, I assured him he’d learn to love it.

I napped while Isaac napped (and then some), but there are worse rooms to be confined to…

By late afternoon I felt good enough to take Isaac for a nap-walk in the Ergo, though that tuckered me out and after a watching a sunset rainstorm pass by our patio, we fell asleep together at 7pm.

Sunday!  Gosh, on Sunday I was a new woman!  Isaac and I had each logged 11 hours of sleep and I felt great.  I headed out the door with the kids at 6:30 for a sunrise breakfast.

Isaac cheats at cornhole, by the way.

Reunited!  The Chens had landed the previous evening and the kids met up for a round of super-sized chess.

Juliette decided that if Isaac was a chess piece, he’d most definitely be the Queen, going any which way he pleases, mowing down anything in his way.

That Maui morning light is so beautiful here…

We headed back late morning to see if Shane was up and ready to play.

Since we’d skipped the leis upon our arrival, I went to the front desk and asked if we have a first day do-over – they were happy to adorn Juliette and me with fresh orchids.

Shane, unfortunately, was the last soldier to fall and needed to spend much of the day sleeping off his aches and pains.  Storytime with Isaac took most of the energy he could muster.

It was a bummer to see Dad down and out, but the kids and I managed to find our groove – Isaac grew fonder of the pool, Juliette grew fonder of Isaac in the pool, and we all grew fonder of Maui in general.  This felt good.

Like, really, really good.

SO GOOD, you guys.  What a joy to see these two play in the water together – this was the trip I’d been dreaming of six months earlier.

Isaac took a late morning nap with his dad and then Juliette and I headed out to work on the hotel scavenger hunt.

She was looking very Carmen Sandiego in her hat and glasses.

We made it through most of the scavenger hunt and then popped back to the room to pick up brother for poolside (in-pool?) iced tea.

Shane turned a slight corner and joined us for a bit.

Juliette and I crossed the last item off her scavenger hunt list on our way back to the room and swung by the front desk for prizes.

Isaac weaseled his way into getting his own prize and was very pleased about it.

Watch out, though – his fish bites!

It took us upward of 20 minutes to get from the front desk to our room as the kids zig-zagged the lobby and played 13 rounds of hide and seek near the elevators, but the lack of need to get anywhere fast was one of my favorite things about this trip.

Juliette wanted to do some swimming with N at his pool in the afternoon, so I dropped her off with him and took Isaac up to the market for a smoothie break.  One slurp of my avocado smoothie and he was all grins, asking, “Mo?  Mo?  Mo?”

More, Mom?  Pleeeeeeease?!

I picked up a cheap set of sand toys for Isaac, feeling like we’d delivered Christmas in February, and then it was back to the room for afternoon nap (or so I thought).

LaV and I toasted with poolside Mai Tais while the big kids swam and the little kid (didn’t) nap with his dad.

At 5pm Shane and I called off hopes of a late nap and I took Isaac down to the beach to try out his new sand toys.

Again, looking a little concerned…

But…that water looks kind of fun?

Let’s do it.

I held Isaac’s hand as the water lapped at our feet and he clutched my fingers tightly but cracked a small smile.  Ease into it, Kiddo!

It was ultimately the trusty plastic shovel that made him forget about the strange feeling of sand between his toes.  Once I pulled that out, he spent a good 30 minutes filling his pail, a few grains at a time.

The boy was focused.

The beauty of Maui is largely lost on a one year old, but there were moments that I felt like he understood, just for a flash, how spectacular this place really is.

Juliette, meanwhile, was enjoying being the Chens’ second child.

But…wait.  Is that Sister?!

Such a sweet, happy reunion, Isaac bolting toward her, yelling, “Joo-yeh!!!”

I say this every year, but every year that we watch these kids get such a kick out of playing tag with the ocean, my heart swells.  The magic lives on.

Isaac watched from a distance, but I could see him scheming.  That looks fun…

And then, he was off, with a major case of the beachfront zoomies.

We chased each other until the sun dipped below the horizon, Isaac’s butt soaked, our feet caked with sand, my cheeks sore from grinning.

Goodnight, Maui.  More joy (with a fully-healthy family) on the horizon!